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Origin of the Mages Guild


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ok, this is a bit of a weird request, but i can't find origin of the mages guild on this website. i've done searches for the entire name, i've done searches for mages, guild, mages guild, origin, and i still can't find it. I did a google search, but this is the only website i trust to get mods from, as i can always find the most up to date version easily. and the google search didn't give me a link for this site, except for a couple links to specific threads on these forums talking about it.









can someone post the link, or if it is no longer on this site, post why, and give me a link to where i can get it? i really want this mod

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I googled "Tesnexus origins of the mages guild" and the first result was a tesnexus page saying "No file exists with that ID" which although I may be wrong likely means it was removed for some reason. I checked PlanetElderscrolls for you and it's not there either I'm afraid. :(
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