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Deadly Dragons control panel access


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I've been through the author faqs and spent the greater part of 2 hours trying to fix this issue. Clearly some trolls have pushed one the makers to his limits, so I'm seeking advice from those who use this mod here, perhaps someone who has encountered and solved the same issue.


DD v4.5 (No dawnguard and a vampire expansion doesn't interest me...maybe DragonBorn at some point, but never vampires.)


SKSE 1_06_06


Game fully updated as of this post.

NexusModManager shows SkyUI as up to date.


Load order:




--->No deadly dragons under mod config (skyUI perfect and accessible)


Load order:




--->No deadly dragons under mod config (skyUI perfect and accessible)


I fought the first dragon...it's lovely, almost killed me with all the burning fire on the ground (no resist gear yet, too little)...but I can't access the mod. I'd love to keep it, but, I just need to know how to fix the access issue, if, indeed, there is a way to do so.


If trying to utilize the nonDawnguard version is the issue, I think would be excellent for both users and the much abused mod author to have that information posted for all to see.


Posts offering SOLUTIONS ONLY please. No zomgthesamethinghappenedtomeandthenthisotherthingandomgpleasehelpwithmybrokenstoveandlostcarkeystoo posts. Those posts are not constructive solutions.

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The latest version of DD supports MCM (and also requires Dawnguard). You are using an old version (a non-Dawnguard version still available for download), which is why there is no MCM support (in fact, that old version is no longer supported. It's simply up there so users without Dawnguard will stop pestering the authors to maintain a non-DG version). In order to adjust the DD settings, you will need to do it old fashion style, using console commands as documented in the mod description on the mod page. Edited by ripple
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