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Abyss of the Mind pt2


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A bare bulb flickered from the ceiling. Mops, brooms and cleaning equpment leaned against the unpainted concrete walls; it was a caretakers closet.


A distant crash roused me. It cut through my minds haze and made me wonder what was going on. I staggered to the door, it felt like I hadn't stood in weeks. I poked my head out through the door, looking right, then left. Unmistakeably, a hospital. to right was nothing but a few brown leaves. To the left however, the mysterious crash was explained. A body lay sprawled on the floor; unconcious, or dead. Fragments of glass littered the floor about the body, and man stood in a door way by the body. As I got closer I noticed strange things; the man was panting, and he looked as he had seen a ghost, there was no one else about, and why were there leaves everywhere? But the worst thing of all was the body. that body. Faceless, a tentacle, twisted, stretched. Monster.


The man said something, but I didn't hear it. He repeated it

"You're not like it." This puzzled me. Of course I wasn't.

"I know I'm not, is that... thing dead?

"I hope so. By the way, I'm Mike, Michael Seargant."

I remained silent. He was a normal person. No one else here. I knew that. I didn't even call out and I knew. As soon as I awoke. I knew the body wasn't human somehow before I got close enough to see somehow. Just like I knew he was normal. Why had I not asked my self why I was here? How had I got here?

I leaned back against the wall, tthen slumped to the floor and sobbed. I couldn't think straight, but I could think better than ever before. "Mike, Mike my name is Eve. Eve Cooper. And please tell me what is going on."



<Sorry, I hoped to get that done earlier. And as you can see, I'm not too good at writing dialogue. Anyway, the next bit will be longer and definately by Tuesday at latest. I'm going to make sure. Normally I'm crap with deadlines. Anyway, enjoy.>

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