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Mannequin Pose Glitch (can't find a solution anywhere else)


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I guess topics on this were hard to find because it was hard to describe it on a topic title. The threads I did manage to find were either not related to my problem or did not have a solution and I'm desperate to fix this as I want to play dragonborn already!

I got this glitch after installing dragonborn, basically all npc's and my own character are frozen in one pose (like a mannequin). I disabled all my mods and tried again but no luck. I even disabled the dlc but I kept getting the same glitch. Only thing is I did not disable skse which I installed a few days before the DLC came out but I'm unsure on how to uninstall it so I thought I should make this thread first just to be safe. I would try uninstalling and reinstalling but it does not work for others who have this problem. Other people who have had this problem seemed to have had it with dawnguard so its a pretty old issue. Despite that, I could not find a solution.


I need help, and please be as literal and basic as possible because my I.T. skills are just awful.

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