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Skyrim crash after Bethesda Logo since Dragonborn DLC installed


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First of all, I'm sorry if this topic has been repeated many times but please help me. I recently just bought Dragonborn DLC and since then everytime I want to play Skyrim it crashes just after the Bethesda logo scene. First, I ran it through the SKSE and it crashed. Then, I tried to run it through the normal way and it still crashed. I though the problem was the DLC so I uninstalled it but then it still crashes.


Any help will be appreciated.

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First of all, I'm sorry if this topic has been repeated many times but please help me. I recently just bought Dragonborn DLC and since then everytime I want to play Skyrim it crashes just after the Bethesda logo scene. First, I ran it through the SKSE and it crashed. Then, I tried to run it through the normal way and it still crashed. I though the problem was the DLC so I uninstalled it but then it still crashes.


Any help will be appreciated.

immediate crash is almost always a mod conflict.. check your load order with boss and or try disabling mods you have recently installed.. also READ THE STICKY!!!!!






LOOK! More things I stole.} This applies to all of the Bethesda

Softworks Gambryo based games - Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout3, Fallout New

Vegas. [For the sake of this bit we're defining a "CTD on Start-Up

as...] When you click to start the game, you get the black square that

you typically see when starting, then the game drops you back into the

desktop with no error or explanation.


The game start routine

loads the game engine, then the game master file (game_name.esm) then

the vanilla assets in the form of .bsa files (Bethesda's proprietary

compressed format), then any mod .esm (master files) then the mod esp

files. If an .esm tries to load after it's .esp you will get an instant

crash. If a mod starts to load and refers to an .esm that is not there -



Most likely - you are missing a master (.esm) file that

some mod refers to. OR! You are not starting with a script extender

(SKSE, OBSE, FOSE, etc.) that is REQUIRED by some mod that you have.



to be sure you are starting with the script extender, and not the

game.exe or the unmodified game launch icon if you have any mods that

require it. Check any recently added mods (or removed mods) for

dependencies - if a mod 'depends' on some other mod being there - and

you removed it, it will crash.


Best bet if you're unsure is to

consult with the mod's maker. If using Wrye Bash (or in possession of

the CK) you can check for yourself what dependencies the mods you're

running might have.

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Alright! It worked! I thank you very much for your solution! It probably happened because I haven't updated my mods and after I updated it, it doesn't crash anymore!


Again, thank you very much.

Edited by urtin3
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