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[LE] Property already defined


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I'm trying to compile a papyrus fragment in my quest, but it keeps telling me there is a property already defined even though it doesn't show up under properties and I don't see it in the .psc for the quest.


the property is for a quest: pAPWquest02


Here is the error message:


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "QF_APWquest02_01010C75"...
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\QF_APWquest02_01010C75.psc(139,15): script property pAPWquest02 already defined
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\QF_APWquest02_01010C75.psc(139,15): script variable ::pAPWquest02_var already defined
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\QF_APWquest02_01010C75.psc(139,15): script property pAPWquest02 already has a get function defined
G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Source\Scripts\temp\QF_APWquest02_01010C75.psc(139,15): script property pAPWquest02 already has a set function defined
No output generated for QF_APWquest02_01010C75, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on QF_APWquest02_01010C75
And here is the .psc file:
úWÀÞ _|Íç QF_APWquest02_01010C75.psc username DESKTOP A QF_APWquest02_01010C75 GetState GotoState Fragment_21 Fragment_19
Fragment_0 Fragment_10
Fragment_2 Fragment_17
Fragment_4 conditional hidden Quest ::pAPW_MRSMousekewitz01_var actor ::Alias_aAPWPOTentTrigger_var referencealias ::pCurrentFollowerFaction_var faction ::pAPW_Alice_NPC_var "::Alias_aAPW_MRS_Mousekewitz01_var ::Alias_aAPW_Alice_NPC_var ::pGold001_var
miscobject %::Alias_aAPW_MRSMousekewtiz02_NPC_var &::Alias_aAPWChamberODoorsExTrigger_var ::pAPW_MRSMousekewtiz02_NPC_var ::Alias_aAPW_MRS_Captor_var ::Alias_aAPW_MR_Mousekewitz_var Alias_aAPW_MRS_Mousekewitz01 pAPW_MRSMousekewitz01 pGold001 Alias_aAPWChamberODoorsExTrigger Alias_aAPW_MRS_Captor pCurrentFollowerFaction Alias_aAPW_Alice_NPC Alias_aAPWPOTentTrigger pAPW_MRSMousekewtiz02_NPC pAPW_Alice_NPC Alias_aAPW_MR_Mousekewitz Alias_aAPW_MRSMousekewtiz02_NPC String 'Function that returns the current state ::State None ::NoneVar SetObjectiveDisplayed self Disable SetObjectiveCompleted ::temp0 ::temp1 form game GetPlayer AddItem Enable
SetRestrained 9Function that switches this object to the specified state newState
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