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Far Cry

African Lions


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New animals (much like vehicles or weapons) would require an extensive amount of files and work to create and implement into the game... and I'm not totally convinced that all types of files can be introduced into the patch files. Many can, but others seem problematic. A lot of this simply hasn't been attepted because of the need for modeling, texturing, animating, introducing the new entity into the spawns somehow, etc etc. Areas involving AI are mostly uncoded. There's only a few people outside of UBI that could pull this off. It *might* be easier to introduce elements from Far Cry 2 (since their component parts are already "built" and the code is more or less the same). Still a very, very difficult job. Never hurts to request though. Maybe someone will take up the challenge. Edited by jvarnes
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I've never liked Ubisofts unwillingness to allow modders full access to their games. The same problem is true for Il-2:1946 and Lock On Flaming Cliffs 2. In order to add a flyable MiG-21 with weapons to FlaC2 you must replace existing aircraft, textures, weapons etc. Its rather annoying in my opinion. Someone was able to crack Il-2:1946 wide open and increase the number of available aircraft and vehicle slots dramatically which is why mods like Ultra Pack 3 exist. The Il-2:1946 ai doesn't know how to handle most of the jets which is an AI quirk that modders were never able to iron out.

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