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Idea for jumping and sprinting \ not a req...


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I've done lots of looking around, and I see that this seems to be impossible, cause bethesda is kind of... slow..? "special"? anyways...


Perhaps it would be possible to incorporate a whole new movement scheme into the game, such as floating, or flying, but instead, just walking/running/sprinting/etc... If someone could manage to do that, it would open a whole new realm of possibilities for character movement...


Or, perhaps, we check for when the player is holding down the ALT key, and we set the "player.speedmult" to sprinting speeds, then back when we release it? also, perhaps play a different animation while this is happening... We would have to somehow interrupt the original sprinting code... Or maybe get rid of the hotkey for it altogether and create our own with scriptdragon..?

I believe that this would be very useful in that we could sprint in all directions. -> also maybe replace the walk/run toggle key to alt and set sprint to shift, to not impede you when you want to jump.


I keep wondering why no one has come to this conclusion.


Thoughts on the matter?

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