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Add Actor Value in Perk Entries


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Is it possible to create a perk entry to "Add Actor Value"?

Formula = Value + A + X


Where as A = Actor Value and X is the custom value.

Ex : If i want to create a dynamic critical chance perk, the existing perk entry is to "Add Value" of X. Now if i want to include Actor Value "Luck" in between, is it possible to do so?

Formula : Critical Chance = Critical Chance + Luck + 25

Edited by techprince
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I may not understand completely why your formula needs to be set up as such, especially since you can simplify it by combining Value and X into a single digit (I'm just not sure what "Value" is here and where it comes from), but I'm guessing you can cover it with 2-3 perk entries.


Using your second formula example, you can have 3 perk entries as so:


1. Set Value = Critical Chance (If not already declared by another perk/setting)

2. Add Actor Value Mult - (Luck) x 1.0

3. Add Value = 25

Edited by JackRob
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