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1 save crashes, other doesn't


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My problems began with me uninstaling the Skyrim Monster Mod (the one banned by nexus). Starting having loading problems (crashes on startup and crashes on load) I Managed to start playing when I unchecked Dragonborn.esm in launcher. I assumed that worked because It took me from a exterior location to an interior. The game ran fine dispite me losing my Dragonborn progress. Everything was fine until I got a random crash at Yorgrim Overlook. For some reason the game crashes there. I've ran BOSS, which just says I have a few dirty files or something like that. But I found out that its just the save I was using that crashes. My first save that I made a long time ago is fine. No crashes at the Overlook. The differences between the saves is that the first one has never done any DLCs. I made it before Dawnguard. I was wondering how can I fix this without deleted the save? The save I use has quite a bit of progess in everything.

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the save that crashes is corrupted, you cant really do anything about it, sorry, best thing to do is go to the previous save and dont stack your saves/ save over a previous save next time, skyrim is badly ported to PC (designed for xbox) thats why we have so many problems -.-

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