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stop npc kills


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i am getting anoyed with the fact that i enter a town / village and then i see several dead bodies around that have been killed by a dragon, vampire, or what ever animal was able to get into town.

do these people respawn after a while or are they gone from thegame for good and if so is there a mod that stops this from happening? i don`t mind it if it happens once in a while but seeing half the town being torn up by one vampire is anoying.

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You can use the console to revive these people. Typically I will every now and then look up a dead NPC's reference id and use the player.moveto "id" command. You will end up in the "dead room". Just use the console to revive them and use the moveto command to move them to a living NPC. Bam they are back in Skyrim.


And the deadly dragons important npc's essential thing does work.

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Because of the way spawning works in Skyrim, dragons and vampire attacks are triggered by player proximity. The best way to avoid NPC death is to avoid fast-traveling to City palaces. Instead, travel to the gates. All Vampire attack start at the gates, regardless. This insures you are able to save and clean up the vampires without any problems. If you are too far away, you have to deal with frustratingly difficult tasks of killing them before they kill NPCs.


If you are excessively traveling like to the Thieves' guild remember that changing cells during an attack unloads the cell, thus nobody can die assuming all works out. Keep an eye on the Halls of the dead if you are unsure if someone has perished.


Any time you exit a house or change cells, there's a chance for attack. What I do is fast-travel to the gates, immediately draw my weapon and Wait a small bit. if nothing appears, I'm fine. If a dragon is seen in the sky, I immediately save and start wailing on it with the most powerful crossbow I got. Usually I can focus it on me, and I duck in front of NPCs to soak up its breath attacks.


Dragons are a non-issue to me. It's vampires that are really the hardest thing. Those dogs are just absolutely OP on NPCs and those drain spells, etc are brutal against guards and the like..


Which reminds me. Guards are useless...

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