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Beta Testers Wanted; House Mod


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HaileySkyrim here, I've been working on a remodel of the Leveler's Tower by WillieSea for almost a month now and believe

I have tested as far as I can without some outside help.

I'm looking for up to five beta testers who have plenty of time on their hands, who will be dedicated and thorough

and preferably have substantial experience with mods.

If you are interested, message me personally or feel free to simply comment here.

Dates; Feb 16th for 2 weeks max

Job Details;

Testing over 30 each, mannequins, weapon racks, weapon/shield plaques

Testing several display cases and custom display for quest items (You will need to acquire the items, I can share which exactly upon request)

Testing navmesh with followers

A thorough test of Arena combat

Testing re-spawn of Garden items

Testing and working through bugs

And in general a thorough test of the house, all it's features and offering any suggestions.

Screenshots are also wonder feel free to include your player, Photoshop, I may choose to include on mod page.

Just to clarify, this is a remodel of the Leveler's Tower by WillieSea, though my version should be much smaller in physical and file size.

The mod has not been uploaded to any site, upon finding a suitable beta tester(s), I will share the file.

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Of course, are you familiar with the Leveler's Tower by WillieSea, it's on Nexus If you are not.


I have made quite a few unique player homes of my own but this time I decided to take my

favorite house mod and edit it to my tastes. After a week or two of working on it I decided

I would upload it when finished.


My remodel removes a couple of cells from the tower, ultimately making transitions smoother

(less load screens). I also removed the odd holiday decoration. I compacted the entire mod, with

a smaller but hopefully more useful armory, no more kitchen, and compact bedroom in an attempt

to eliminate the items I never really found useful. Though I enjoyed having an in-home merchant

with a large amount of gold, I found her un-attractive and always in my way (deleted her and all other NPCs)

I removed the teleport system, since it seemed no longer necessary, removed quite a few minor

details and "cheats" to make it a bit more lore friendly, though it will never be entirely lore friendly.


It's somewhat difficult to list out all the details at this moment but if you have any specific question

I would be happy to answer them, I also will be able to upload a few images soon, if those would help.

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Images would help if you could upload.

I think from a role playing perspective a kitchen would be helpful and a good idea, if you have hearthfires even better as if adds the bakery.

Get some pics and if all looks good I will be a tester for you. Only thing is I won't be able to download it for another 2 days as I'm working out of town at the minute.

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