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[LE] Follower camp


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I'm currently working on new follower mod based on my gameplay character. I'd like to place the npc in exterior, the best solution would be into his unique camp (as a home base) Because most of vanilla camps are occupied by hunters, i don't want to modify existing camp. i'd like to make new one.


Do you know any good tutorials for making places and adding idle makers ? (i'd love to asset the npc to some object actions ; sit on lodge, cook on the firepot, chop wood, sleep in the tent, etc..) or do you have any tricks ?


thanks, Miriam.

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It is the same process as decorating a house. drag and drop idle markers, furniture, tents, whatever you want around the camp. move exhisting iitems like trees, bushes, and rocks out of the campsite then adjust the navmesh to include the new items and moved vanilla. You could also use one of my 30 campsites in my campsite mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31683/ and use tes5edit to clean it of all the rest. then add a few new items for your NPC specificaly. But to use one i only ask you to do a compatibility version that just adds the new stuff like my NPC add-on optional file does. I just ask for credit for the use.

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OK, no problem and I dont blame you. I found it easiest to place the items where I wanted them on a relativly flat location, and make each item the same z value as the lowest one. then use the landscape editor to flatten the area where the camp is to the height the lowest part had, but as little impact to outside the camp area. then change the ground texture to a no grass version under the tent and furniture. Lowest Z value is because dropping the navmesh vertices down is easy as 1 button, no bloody clue on how to raise one up lol. and flattening the location is good so you dont have furniture half buried or bedrolls at cockeyed angles. no grass textures is a no brainer.


You can look at how I did mine, just ignore the navmesh mess and errors from them. it works ingame so thats as far as I care about exterior navmesh hell lol. Also if you have any problems let me know in that mods comment section or send me a PM and I will see if I can help you.

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