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GECK esp issue


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This is in the GECK. I noticed that when(building a mod and saving) u save in the nv it doesnt create the new suitcase with name to it (data folder esp or esm). In the FO3 it did all that for you. What am I doing wrong? All I did was start a new mod DEV. Create a new world space as in the FO3. And save. Notice any different. There should be a esm or a suitcase which is the same so. The reason is I am sharng this for the future and with a fellow moder to add to. This NV is the same but it is different. I do not have a TP yet is that my issue? The esp is in the Geck so I am able to go back there. There is no suitcase form of it to export to share is my issue. I swear every os and cpu has its own buggs.

Edited by Honeybiscuit
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