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Strange, random FPS drop


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I'm hoping there's someone out there who can help me narrow down what mod might be causing frequent, random severe FPS drops. My game becomes all but unplayable it's so stuttery. It's driving me absolutely crazy. Any insight would be amazing.

A few specifics:

It seems to start and stop randomly.

It sometimes starts (or stops) when entering a new cell.

Doesn't happen as much in dungeons, maybe never.

Reloading a save doesn't help, the save game saves the fps drop so even if the game goes back to normal, if I load the save from when it was happening it will be back.

Here's the strange thing: if it's happening, then it continues even if I go to the map, even if I fast travel to somewhere else, even if I quit to the main menu.

Please help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to start a new game, I had that random problem of low fps even when the game did not use all the resources and indoors it almost did not happen, I tried to deactivate the odd mod to check it may be one that modifies lighting or the terrain and maybe an "ENB", you can also look for some utilities to repair game errors in the bug fixing section. "google traslator"



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