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How to get custom weapons into Skyrim?


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OK, so my original post got no reply's but that doesn't matter since I believe I have almost got this figured out.

Right now I will outline my process in case there is something else wrong.


First load the 1stpersonironsword.nif (for the iron longsword) and export the sword as .obj.

Import the .obj into Blender 2.65, model my new sword, remove original sword/

Do UV mapping and textures. Export as .obj.

Load 1stpersonironsword.nif in Nifskope again. Import newsword.obj.

Clean up .nif by removing blood textures/unwanted materials.

Open up BSLightingShader properties and add new textures. Nifskope preview window shows them, everything looks good.

Save as newsword.nif. Repeat process for the thirdperson/worldview .nif.

Open creation kit, file-data-skyrim and update.esm.

Browse to weapons-iron-ironsword duplicate.

Change name and ID. Browse to new .nif. Preview window looks good.

Save and load into Skyrim, with the new plugin selected.

Console player.additem 05000d63 (or something close)

Wooden Sword added.

Equip Wooden Sword. Still looks like regular Iron Sword.


Anyone have any ideas?

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A weapon is made up of two parts. It's world data, which is what you see on the ground, etc, and it's 1st person data. To add a weapon in the game, you have to add the 1st person nif files. To do that, you have to go to world objects in the CK and create a new 1st person file for your weapon. Without it, the weapon will not appear correctly.


You may notice a world object like 1stPersonDaedricSword which contains the 1st person data for the sword. Normally all you have to do is change the ID and change the nif and click ok and create a new ID. You generally don't have to edit any variables.

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You are my savior, I hadn't realized that you needed to create the 1stperson version in the creation kit aswell. And I never thought to drop my sword to test what it looked like on the ground so I have been assuming it was just not working at all for the last 2 days. Thank you so much! Now I can really get down to business and spend some real time on a new model instead of a wooden sword that looks like a stick with brown paint on it, lol.

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