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Companions running in circles, not navigating properly and sometimes not following me


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Hi all, this issue has been present for a while and has recently began to bug me the post. My companions always seem to get stuck when fast travelling or moving after a bit. when in this mode, they are either running in circles or diagonally to me or just stop moving at all unless I physically go to them and move them. They get stuck in places normally they wouldn't e.g (basic obstacles) and would move. I suspect that this is a navmesh issue but this happens around the entire wasteland and everywhere. When in combat they attack normally but when not in combat they will sometimes not follow. The issue is really irratating as I've tried multiple troubleshooting techniques such as dismissing them (Arcade and EDE) along with 'follow' and 'wait' options but these did not solve the issue. This issue happened after installing a mod (not sure which) and I am keen to find out which one is responsible so I can terminate it. Similar issues happened to others and I haven't really been able to rectify it. I've disabled all companion mods and possible ones which do this but the issue still persists. I will attach my load order so people can see. Any helpful advice appreciated as this will help me and others in the future looking for solutions.


Please note that I have the mod limit fix mod which increases the limit of mods. This issue happened prior to using that fix.





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I note you are playing TTW, so first thing is make sure you have checked their FAQ regarding compatibility.


As you have determined the problem occurs after installing some mod, you need to read the 'Mod Conflict Isolation' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article. Note that (depending upon your mod manager) simply "disabling" a mod may not be sufficient to remove it's influence on the game if it overwrote the same file as another, earlier installed mod. If that is the case, you cannot avoid uninstalling the problem mod and reinstalling any that had been overwritten. The most reliable way of determining a problematic mod is by installing and testing them one by one.


Any time you remove a plugin from your current play-through "load order" you risk corrupting your save game files. This is because plugins typically store information there as to the state of their variables and quests. If you picked up a unique (non-vanilla) item added by a mod, that item (like any item you pick up) is stored in the save game, but also requires the plugin it came from to be available as that item's "source records". In the case of "body replacement" mods, especially if they use a "custom race", it is highly likely you will have to start over if you can't switch back to a vanilla race first. Hence the general advice to never remove a plugin from your current game.

Once you do play a mod (as "active" in your "game/profile"), leave them in your game or start a "new" one. At the very least, if you think they are "completed" and you have not kept any of their "unique" items, make sure you know which was the last save game prior to removing the mod and are prepared to have to revert back to it when things go wrong later on (no matter how many hours later that may be). Perform a "Clean Save" (see the 'Clean Saves' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article) after removing the plugin and before resuming play, even once you go back to a previous save.


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Hi, Thanks for your response. I'll see to that. I'll also furthermore describe the issue to you. The companions (in my case EDE and sometimes arcade) will follow me for a bit, however, if I go through static object like a tree or past some rocks they will somehow lose their direction and run in a constant circle until I go back and move them. It is an odd issue. I'll try to go through the mods one by one and disable each one along with having a look in FNV Edit as well as the links you provided. If you have anything more to add please do so as every bit of advice can help rectify the issue. If anyone else has comments or suggestions please drop them by.


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If you are running through static objects like "trees", then you have toggled off "collision" (console command "TCL"). That means you are frequently traveling outside of the "navmesh" areas, so it's no wonder your companions are getting lost. Toggle TCL back on and try again.


Note that if you move too fast and get too far ahead of your companions, they will also lose track of your route and have to revert to attempting to find their own "navmeshed" way to your current location (when you stop and look back at them). This can often lead to them taking a very circuitous route and is one of the drawbacks to companions you have to accommodate. (I usually travel along the hillsides and learned that most of my companions can't keep up with me and will travel along the base of the hills, so I have to pause frequently to let them "catch up". Which is why my favorite companion is ED-E. *He* can keep up.)



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Hi, Thanks for your response. I'll see to that. I'll also furthermore describe the issue to you. The companions (in my case EDE and sometimes arcade) will follow me for a bit, however, if I go through static object like a tree or past some rocks they will somehow lose their direction and run in a constant circle until I go back and move them. It is an odd issue. I'll try to go through the mods one by one and disable each one along with having a look in FNV Edit as well as the links you provided. If you have anything more to add please do so as every bit of advice can help rectify the issue. If anyone else has comments or suggestions please drop them by.



when I say that I go through the trees and and static objects I don't mean using the TCL command I mean walking around them or in between them like I would normally do in any other playthrough. ED-E generally when I walk by a large rock (assuming it is a reference point for AI) goes back to the rock and forth towards me unless I put the command (move.to player). I've uninstalled a few mods and it seems to have not much of an effect although I'll try to do 10 mods at a time.





If anyone else has comments or suggestions please drop them by.


You have too many mods. You'll need to greatly reduce them if your main priority is a stable long game.



I use the modlimit fix (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/68714) which allows the game to have 200 mods rather than ~130. I'll try to disable the large mods. Do you have any leads on where I should check in FNVedit. When I checked I saw that YUP only modified ED-E and the other companions but I doubt that is the issue since I tried by disabling it. I believe it could be the larger mods because I noticed that Brahmins sometimes run around like crazy from their caravans ( my assumption is that it is 'The living desert' mod. Also I have an issue which may be related to that mod where supermutants have a huge ammount of health and DT compared to when they did on vanilla unmodded game. I'll give that a check through FNVedit and see that if the same mod which modifies the supermutants touches the companions or other creatures. I also have an increased number of NPC spawns around the wasteland so I'll check simply uncut, outside bets, Living desert and one of the other larger mods for something common.


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