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Blades Follows no longer have Blades Armor


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Hey folks, I've got myself a problem (of course) and I can't find a solution on Google.


In the past, I've never had any trouble with my Blades followers. I'd pass them along to Delphine, they'd join the order, they'd go change into Blades armor (thus transferring their default preset) and do the usual Blades behaviors with that armor always on them.


However, I recently noticed with the installation of Dragonborn that their default armors have reverted back to their original sets - Lydia and my Markarth housecarl wear Steel and another wears Iron. I checked their inventories and found no trace of any Blades armors on them.


Originally I surmised that the Ultimate Followers Overhaul caused the issue, so I reloaded to a back-up save where I had uninstalled UFO correctly, only to find that the issue persisted. I then blamed Dragonborn, but to confirm that suspicion I loaded an even earlier back-up save where I had never installed UFO and, running Dragonborn, I saw that my Blades followers had their Blades armors equipped once more. Therefore, I suspect that some kind of conflict with UFO by Dragonborn caused a coding issue which changed them back to their default armors. But there's no way to confirm that, and even still, it's irrelevant to toss around blame. What matters is resolving the issue.


Thus, if anyone has an idea of how I could revert my Blades followers back to their default armor set as Blades armor, I'd appreciate it. I'd rather not equip them with Blades armor through UFO, as that's merely a work-around to the main problem. I'm hoping for some sort of console code command or other means.


Thanks for your time.

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