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Mods mark as light - please read


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255 is the max number of regular *plugins* allowed via vortex. More than that will very likely cause the game to cease operating.


1) In Vortex, open the plugins tab from the left panel

the number of "active" (regular) plugins and Light plugins are shown in the orange menu bar at the top of the application, on the very right side of vortex

2) Towards the right side of the columns (you may need to make the UI full screen to see it properly) , check the Flags column

you can also scroll inside the flags options and select the "could be light" item, which will cause only those plugins available for the conversion to be seen

3) presuming you didn't do what I suggested above to isolate them, any plugin marked with a hollow leaf icon (just an outline, not solid) can be made "Light, to remove it from the regular plugins listing and put it into the extended load area.

4) select one marked as noted in (3) (outline of a leaf)

5) double click on the row containing that plugin to open the right side details panel

avoid the clicking on the Mod column, as its entry is actually a link to the parent mod that will open the mod listing...not what we want to do here

6) scroll down that right side panel that pops up and you will find a button link under the heading "LIght" labeled "Mark light"

7) click the "Mark Light" link.


the plugin will now be marked light and removed from the base (regular) plugin listings and will be loaded into the extended area instead.


In general, vortex is pretty good about identifying which mods can and can't be made light. For me, I haven't found any that cause issues when I make them light. So far I've made 80 plugins light. Since I've installed several mods since I originally did my "lightening", and while checking the details to write this, I found another 9 or ten which I'll do in a few minutes.


Nice thing it is it frees up the lower load order for new mod installations without potentially causing issues, so you can either just convert as many as are necessary to keep the 255 regular plugin limit safe, or do as many as there are so you have plenty of free load order space (that's what I did).


As for the actual mechanics of why this one can be made light and that one can't, I'm not expert enough to say, I just know it works, and it allows me to have more than 255 mods installed, which, in the end, is all I really care about.


hope that answers it enough. if not....well either I or someone else will have to clarify

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