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How to fix different color forehead and blacks lines/bars on female NP


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It started out as an issue with the foreheads of my female NPCs foreheads being a bright color that I eventually discovered could be fixed by exporting facegens in the Creation kit as doing anything with the mods that altered their faces yielded no results. I did it to all the female NPCs and now instead of the off color forehead I get the black bar face/forehead, observe;


In this rare case I tried exporting again and now this poor woman has both the off color forehead and the black bars.








How do I fix this rubbish?

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Solution: Open the NPC up in Creation Kit, under the Character Gen Parts tab there is a Face Tint Layer section;


The dark red color on the forehead is the FemaleUpperEyeSocket.dds


The black lines are Female Head Dirt


I simply chose color average as the color for both and they went away, now I guess I have to do this(female head dirt) to a s#*! tonne of female NPCs as many are suffering from the black lines.

Edited by KaizerFaust
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