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A Proper Player Owned Shop


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lemme start off by saying i have no idea how to mod and am in awe of people who do. now.... i, like most dovakiin, am plagued by a surplus of items that sit in chests waiting for me to spend hours selling them. I remember that oblivion had an awesome mod, the name of which escapes me, that allowed the player to open a general store. items in the store were automatically sold over time (more expensive items took longer) and had a number of variables (i.e. the added cost of hiring a guard versus the financial risk of not having one)

I havnt found anything like this for skyrim. if it exists, i would appreciate being pointed in the right direction, otherwise it would be awesome if someone made that mod for skyrim. just a thought :smile:

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Hmmm.... Looks promising. But it's my understanding that the store is unable to account for the increased value of an enchanted or improved item. Is that the case? If so, that's a glaring issue for me because most of my assets are enchanted weapons and armor. For example, as a result of my smithing/enchanting grind, I have roughly 300 iron daggers, each enchanted with banishment, which makes them worth around 1600 each. The base value of an iron dagger is like 20 or something. That's a huge difference Edited by douglasrad
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Hmmm.... Looks promising. But it's my understanding that the store is unable to account for the increased value of an enchanted or improved item. Is that the case? If so, that's a glaring issue for me because most of my assets are enchanted weapons and armor. For example, as a result of my smithing/enchanting grind, I have roughly 300 iron daggers, each enchanted with banishment, which makes them worth around 1600 each. The base value of an iron dagger is like 20 or something. That's a huge difference

yeah and it's not an issue that the author can correct since the game doesnt really have a special id for custom enchanted items and possibly the potions as well. Even with knowing that issues,I just find it to be an easy way to get rid of a bunch of stuff, I will usually try and sell most of my custom made stuff to the vendor though.

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  • 7 months later...

This is a mod along those lines. It features on GEMS so you know it's quality. It doesn't add a shop exactly, but it lets the player set up a flea market type stand and NPCs dynamically buy your items on display based on your speech skill, the NPCs class, etc. There is also a haggling system. Also, since there is no middleman, you sell your goods at better prices rather than a merchant buying them at low amounts.




This mod really fits into the Dovahkiin's Adventurer lifestyle IMO.


I'll post any other mods I find.

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