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Mods not working (or maybe i messed up)


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I installed oblivion today, i downloaded some mods also, and ive been having trouble getting them to work

example: i downloaded the eyecandy body mod, and nothing happened. the same thing happened with all the other mods execpt an armor mod, when i equipped the armor those strange white and yelow exclamation marks engulfed my character.

can somebody tell me what i did wrong and how to not screw up with mods?

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The yellow and white exclamation marks mean you missed a mesh.


How did you do the install for the mods? If you used NMM, it doesn't work for any Oblivion mods that are more complex because it doesn't handle the file structure correctly.

I use Wrye Bash for my installs. It has a high learning curve, but it's worth it to me.

Also, how did you activate the mods?


Here's a video of how to do the install manually.


The other thing you need to do with Oblivion is archive invalidation. Here's a video of how to do the archive invalidation/redirection.


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