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'Harvest Flora' mod authors?


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I've tooled around with one of the meshes for Harvest Flora (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2037) and managed to figure out how to make other flora meshes that do the same thing (created an ingredient for the pitcher plant flora, now when harvested it has part of the mesh disappear like Harvest Flora typically does) by copying the base mesh and replacing the 3D data. I'd kind of like to put that mod up on Nexus, but the permissions say the assets for Harvest Flora can't be used without permission, and I can't for the life of me figure out where to find the mod authors, if they're even still active. Can anyone assist?

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Looking at the mod page the people that made it seem to be XmirroR, DrangonFireSG, Quarn and Dejunai. All four of whom you will probably not be able to contact anymore.

The mod was released before the permission drop down box was a thing, so the values in there are defaults, because of that, the only sentence relevant to permission is this one found on the mod page:

Harvest [Flora] is provided free and "as is", use at your own risk; we cannot be held responsible/liable for anything that happens while using it. Feel free to host the Harvest [Flora] anywhere you want but only in its original unmodified package; please do not release your own modified versions of it.

And it says nothing about using (single) assests being allowed or disallowed, it mentions only the whole package.

Edited by mixxa77
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@mixxa77 - That's a good point! Hopefully that means I can release what's essentially an add-on for the mod without it being an issue.


@KatsAwful - I used one (1) mesh file, which I edited. Basically, I'm kind of rubbish at Nifskope, and wasn't sure how to create a mesh animation on my own; I tinkered with the vanilla pitcher plant mesh in 3DS Max, then imported the 3D data into one of the Harvest Flora meshes. It also uses one of Harvest Flora's scripts, so I'd be posting that mod as a requirement.



In any case, I'm probably going to go for it and post the mod. It's tiny anyway, and I can always pull it if somehow it becomes an issue. Thanks for the help!

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