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My Mod's Dialogue Won't Show Up


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Hey everyone,


I'm making a mod and the dialogue for my mod won't show up.


I started making this mod a few months ago. But then I had to take a break from modding. A few months ago, when I temporarily quit, all of the dialogue options were showing up properly. I've barely touched Skyrim since. Today I started modding again (I simply added a dialogue option, nothing else) and when I loaded up Skyrim suddenly none of the dialogue options for the mod were showing up anymore.


So far I've tried generating the SEQ file again (didn't work) and I removed all the conditions from one dialogue option (also didn't work).


The mod's mod menu is showing up properly, so I know the mod is active in the game. Just none of the dialogue appears and I'm not sure what the cause is or what to try. Anyone else have any ideas?


UPDATE: Fortunately, I regularly save my .esp files somewhere separately and I reverted to an earlier .esp file and now the dialogue shows up again. I still don't know what actually went wrong but it seems to have worked. Just leaving this here in case anyone else ever has the same problem.

Edited by OneOnOne1162
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