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Alternative beginning in Little Lamplight


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What about a alternative start in little lamplight? You begin as a 10 year old and exit hen you're a mung...uhh, i mean when you're 18 :D While you're 10, kids will treat you like a kid, not a mungo and there would be some quests to get you started ;) When you turn 18, you leave the town with that other kid who turned 18 (can't remember his name ^^) to Big Town(or something).


What do you think? More ideas are welcome :)

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if someone makes this its GOTTA have an optional misc. quest to KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRINCESS. . . . .like right before you leave you can rape her and kill her. . . . ok maybe the rape thing was a bit much, but i still absolutely cannot stand little shits like her. . .
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