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Doubt regarding a bug


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Sometimes you can get out of that situation by zooming in until you're in first person and jumping. Sometimes you have to find a crating station, enter the crafting menu, then exit. Sometimes you just have to reload an earlier save.

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Sometimes, my guy stays in place and doesn't move at all. The run or walk animations do happen, he moves a bit to the direction I aim, but doesn't move completely. I been playing the game for nearly 3 months and this just happened.

If what anjenthedog says doesn't work, I suggest getting this mod that changes the speed at which you walk, run and jog- just in case to see if it might be a speed value in your character that has been changed to be drastically low: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/130

Edited by elliekelly97
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I tried both and they don't seem to work. It's weird as hell, because 3rd person seems to work just fine the pc moves jsut like normal, but the moment I try first person, the character remains static in the same place where the bug took place.

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