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flickering screen yellow/red


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Well,if it's doing that,make sure your monitor cable is in good.Over time,or moving pc it can start to unplug if oyu don't tighten the screws on the cable to it well.It coujld be videocard not seated well also.Does it happen when you're not in Skyrim?Do you use something like ENB,or installed any mods that mess with lighting?

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If it only happens with Skyrim, I would suspect either a mod or a graphics setting/driver issue. (since you've ruled out a bad connection.)


Could you list your mods (from BOSS log) and also your graphics card/driver? Also, are you running Skyrim with your monitor's native resolution? Do you get the problem if you set your graphics as low as possible?

Worse case scenario, your card is dying, but hopefully it is something else!

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