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A few questions about arrays ...

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Hey, actually I did some testing, and I forgot you have to use floats when working with decimal places. Here's the revised code:


Scriptname MiscStorageItemScript extends ObjectReference 
;Attach this script to a MiscObject
Int[] Property IntArray Auto

Scriptname StorageQuestScript extends Quest 

MiscStorageItemScript[] Property StorageScripts auto
ObjectReference Property StorageObjectRef Auto ;this is the object reference in the empty cell
MiscObject Property StorageMiscItem Auto ;The misc item with the MiscStorageItemScript script attached

Event OnInit()
    StorageScripts = New MiscStorageItemScript[128] ;must initialize the array first

Event SomeEvent()
    SetUpMultiArray(StorageScripts, 5000) ;Set up the multi array with a minimum 5000 entries
    SaveToMultiArray(StorageScripts, 1222, 777) ;save the value 777 to entry 1222 in the multi array.
    Int X = GetValueFromMultiArray(StorageScripts, 1222) ;Gets value from entry 1222 in multi array. Will return 777

Function SetUpMultiArray(MiscStorageItemScript[] MultiArray, float NumbOfEntries) 
    Float A = NumbOfEntries / 128
    Int NumOfScripts = Math.Floor(A)
    Int I = -1 
    While I < NumOfScripts
        I += 1
        If MultiArray[I] == None
            MultiArray[I] = StorageObjectRef.PlaceAtMe(StorageMiscItem, 1, 1, 0) as MiscStorageItemScript
            MultiArray[I].IntArray = New Int[128]

Function SaveToMultiArray(MiscStorageItemScript[] MultiArray, float akEntry, Int akValue)
    Float A = akEntry / 128
    float ScriptIndex = Math.Floor(A)
    Float ArrayIndex = (A - ScriptIndex) * 128
    MultiArray[ScriptIndex as int].IntArray[ArrayIndex as int] = akValue

Int Function GetValueFromMultiArray(MiscStorageItemScript[] MultiArray, Float akEntry) 
    Float A = akEntry / 128
    Float ScriptIndex = Math.Floor(A)
    Float ArrayIndex = (A - ScriptIndex) * 128
    Return MultiArray[ScriptIndex as int].IntArray[ArrayIndex as int]

Function FullTest() ;save a print 16384 entries, the max amount for the multi array.
    SetUpMultiArray(StorageScripts, 16383)
    Float I = -1
    While I < 16383
        I += 1
        SaveToMultiArray(StorageScripts, I, I as int)
    Debug.MessageBox("Done Saving")
    Debug.Notification("Start Printing")
    Float IA = -1
    While IA < 16383
        IA += 1
        Int Value = GetValueFromMultiArray(StorageScripts, IA)
        Debug.TraceUser("Full_MultArray_Test", Value) 
    Debug.MessageBox("Done Printing")

I did the test function which saved 16384 ints, the max entries the multi array can have, and then printed them all to a user log. It actually happened pretty fast, faster than I expeted. About 1 second for saving and printing.

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