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[WiP] HK417 reproduction *kinda*


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Hi there :)


This (hopefully) will be sometimes a finished rifle built after a HK417.



- no integrated silencer .... meaning none at all ^^

- intended for 7.62 NATO (from Vashts1985 MPammo mod, which will be required)

- built upon the base of the ingame standard assault rifle (grip and triggergroup mostly the same, rest new or re-engineered

- more features are undetermined at this time


Work in progress, hints how to improve are welcome :)




  • Model: (90-100% done, depending on feedback)
  • UVmap: uhm well ... either i suck at this or blender has some serious issues ... or a combination of both ;)
    however, i´d say about 100% done, depending on model changes (this takes me longer than the modeling :confused: )
  • Texture: 10% ... now thats where i really suck at, it seems ;)

As for the uv-map ... anyone any tips? the only thing i get from Blender is a puzzle like structure where i have to move and stitch and edit about 80% of the map in order to get it semi-coherent for texturing.

And speaking of texture ... has anybody some decent (high res) pictures of different angles of an HK417? (preferrably top, sides and bottom) some album somewhere maybe? (google turned up not many helpful pictures so far ... for me at least ;) )


But on the bright side: the way from blender to F3 is covered (thanks to the tips and tutorials here and the wiki(s) )


some screenshots: ( Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting ;) )

yay, it works ingame :) (remark to the texture see bottom)



blender left side:



blender right side:




the texture used in the ingame-screenshot was taken from the "Silent G3 black" mod. It will not be the one this rifle comes with. The texture was only used for testing the ingame-usability of the model.




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Whoo! I was waiting for someone to finally get to the good rifles :P


A couple of critiques, If I may- the gun looks anorexic as hell or your character has monster hands. I know you can't really change animations, but a different grip (the hunting rifle one/assault rifle one) would look better-the front RAS has to be much thicker. The model on the whole could stand to be beefed up about 200%. Right now (no offense to you, but just to be descriptive) It looks like a 50% replica of the rifle. Next, we have the front end-the RAS has a steep slope on the front coming down to the barrel, which would be nice to see-and finally, the barrel. Would love to see a bit more detail on the front end of things (i.e. flash hider, bayo lug maybe?) The barrel is also much thinner than what you have right now.



Actually-in it's current state, the model looks a lot more like an MP5SD with RAS than an HK417. Let's just say that I wouldn't mind having that as well ;)



Sorry to tear into the model like that, but A. I have a serious hard-on for HK 410-series weapons and B. You did ask for feedback, right? :P

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yes, comments are appreciated :)

and no need for apologies, i asked for it :) (and i could always choose to ignore it, but what would be the point of an "wip"-thread then ;) )


-the thick barrel ... well i thoiught of an "HK417-SD" ;) thats why its so thick (yeah i know thats only borderline reality-wise ^^), thus no flash-hider and Bajo-lug

- the thickness of the ras is fitted to the forward grip of the standard assault rifle (thickness-wise)

(comparision of my model (purple) and the original assault rifle (black)





the slope on the front end of the upper ras ... hm yes i could work on that


the stock is so short because of the bad clipping of the original in 3rd person (with reileys armor at least ;) )

the barrel/front part ... yeah its shorter than the assault rifle ... cqc maybe? ;) (i think about making it longer, i just have to play around wit the uv-maps before that)


and (sorry, not a native englis speaker here :) ) what do you mean by "beefed up 200%" the size? well it starts to clip ... the quality? well yes *g* but thats too general (opposing to the rest of your comments :) )


edit: the idea for the built in silencer was taken from the M468, which i had in mind at first but then i switched over to the 417 (more pictures of it out there ;)


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how about a scope?


make it a semi-automatic sniper...



Or better yet, make that a special version you can pick up with a different ammo type.


It's actually beautiful so far. Though I'd suggest changing the stock to be more like the pictures. It'd make the model look so much better.

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Heh. Alright-as for the beefed up 200% part, beefed up=made bigger, basically. Was suggesting that the RAS part could be made about 2x thicker :) Looking at the comparison of the models, it would be nice if the RAS was the same size as the default assault rifle's foregrip. Would probably look more balanced that way.


For the rest-I'd say maybe you should call it a 416? it'd fit the general size of your model better :P Again, I'm thinking way too much into this poo, but I have a serious... thing.... for HK :P


EDIT: Whatever you decide to call it, you got my download. Also, that m468 looks sexy as hell.

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some major changes to the model:

longer, thicker, completely new ris ("original mil-spec"), sights edited, mag-well edited, pistol grip (slightly) edited, stock edited, triggerguard edited







size-comparsion ingame:

Top to bottom:

  • original assault rifle
  • "HK417" (will be renamed ... "HK 834" or so ^^) *note: texture used for testing. its the one from the silent G3. i will not use this (at least w/o permission). Holes in the model due to testing stage, pistol grip old version, sights old version
  • "silent G3"
  • FN FAL of the "BETTER ARSENAL" mod (old version with clean textures)



and first person view (same notes as above, mainly visible are the old sights)




size-comparision in Blender (black is the new model)





currently i am de-puzzeling the uv-map ^^

next will be texturing, although i someone wants to make one, i will happyly hand out this task (i am thinking of a co-release :)

after that i will try to make a Version without the integrated silencer and a CQC version (significantly) shorter.

and then (if the fun i have lasts and i still have time) maybe going to the UMP ...


and as always: comments welcome :)

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hmm the buttstock ... well i could try to make it larger but not longer as it reaches down to about half the height of the pistol-grip. Clipping in 3rd person is bad enough as it is now (yes the original rifle has bad clipping between buttstock an armour/shoulder, too)

the rest is too unspecific to really be helpfull, sorry.



The standard assault rifle reload animations look weird on every gun, that hasn´t that "cocking handle" (sp?) at the foregrip like the G3/HK33 that is the original assault rifle. There is no reload anmimation without cocking (sp?) yet, but to me thats a minor issue ;)


Maybe the AK ones are better, i haven´t tried that yet. The "magazine insertion point" (animation wise) is defined in the weapons nif and looks different in the actual model-stand compared to the ingame screens, meaning the magazine is inserted into the weapon just fine :)

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