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[LE] setting up NPC running race


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First before I post my problem want to say thanks to everyone that responds to these questions. I'm new to modding and wouldn't be able to do this without everyone's help, so Thank you.


I'm trying to get a group of NPC's to run around in a circle like a race.

I've set up a circle of PatrolIdleMarker's and linked them together.


I've tried several package templates including flee, travel and patrol. But I can't seem to get them to run. Any ideas on how to proceed?


Thanks again,



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I ha


Packages have the option to set the npc's walk / run speed, i just closed CK and i can remember the exact name / location of the option, but it's there, dig a little and you will find it.

I already have the preferred speed under flags set to "run" Is that what you're talking about?

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