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Adding Temperable Recipe in TESVEdit


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I've been modding textures since Oblivion, and am certainly no stranger to how easy it can be to break an entire installation with sloppy or half-arsed "tweaking", but I'm only now starting to pussyfoot my way through TESVEdit and the Creation Kit. Thus far I've had the most luck with TESVEdit, as it seems the most straightforward and descriptive.


For my first few alterations, I've been changing the stats on a mod-added weapon which has a great mesh and a custom texture (by yours truly) but was lacking in stats and cost a whopping 15 iron, 15 steel and 6 leather strips to make, and most annoyingly, was not temparable. Figuring out how to alter the forging recipe was easy, but I'm not sure how to create a grinding stone upgrade recipe.


I've already backed up the original unaltered file, and have a stable version of the mod with the altered construction recipe, but I'm hesitant to start creating filters or aditional values without having some idea of the direction I should be taking, or even what dropdown menu I should be in.


I'm fairly certain from just what little I've already seen that I need to add a value/filter to the "Constructible Object" dropdown with the recipe, but I'm not sure how to do so properly, or what settings need to be set in order to have it work properly without breaking the esp. Is there a way to port over a recipe from another weapon, or use say the steel sword recipe as a template?


Anyone willing to nursemaid me a bit would have my gratitude.



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It is fairly easy to make a temper recipe. You were right there in the Creation Kit.


-- Open the Creation Kit

-- Go to Constructible Objects

-- Type "temper" in the filter box

-- Open any weapon temper recipe

-- Look at how it was done

-- Create a new recipe record and fill it with your item's data

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