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My Eyelash Mod


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After I add the eyelash meshes and textures in the female tail slot in the Construction Set. I load the game, but nothing shows up. I have double checked that the esp file is checked in Data Files.


I'm sure it is obvious, but I'm trying to pull a rabbit out of my a**.


My purpose to this is just having the females in the game to only have eyelashes. I have tried putting the meshes and textures in the female ear slot, but the game crashes when I load it. Plus, the females in the game will have no ears... lol!


Suggestions will be greatly appreciated. :thanks:

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You definitely wouldn't want to put them in the ear slots. Like you mentioned, all your characters would lose their ears. I've used eyelashes in a couple of characters I've made and I always put them in the upper or lower teeth slots. After all, you never actually see the teeth. You can get replacement meshes that replace the upper and lower teeth with a single mesh. You'd use that in one of the teeth slots and leave the other one open. That's another option. I usually just replace the lower teeth because you basically never see them anyway. You could also use the tongue slot. I've never tried to put to put them on all npc's but I guess you could use the same idea.



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Thanks for the suggestions, Doug :) (K)


In the original mod I've replaced the tongue with eyelashes, and yes, it was very successful. I have gone the route of putting them in the female tail slot, but the meshes and textures didn't show in-game. I cringe at scripting; I just don't get it. I guess if modding was easy everybody would be doing it... lol!

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