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Custom Race Vertibird Animations


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The Vertibird skeleton has 7 attach points for NPCs in BSConnectPoint::Parents:


p-AttachPassenger (no power armor, back middle sitting)

p-AttachPilot (no power armor, Left front sitting)

p-AttachCopilot (no power armor, Right front sitting)

p-AttachSlot1 (power armor, back left standing)

p-AttachSlot2 (power armor, back right standing)

p-AttachGunner (minigun)

p-AttachDogmeat (dog sitting)




For each of those attach points exists a keyword:




of the type AttachPoint :




This keyword is added to the NPC, but I think you can add it to the race if you will.


If is a companion, will mount when you mount.

You can use a VertibirdPassangerTemplate as template package to mount an NPC, or you can use the function SnapToInteraction direclty from your own script.

Take a look at the OnBegin event of FollowersCompanionVertibirdSnapIntoPackage.

Note that you might need to swap keywords if the npc is wearing a power armor.


Additionally, the race must be able to use the vertibird furniture animations.

The vertibird has the keyword isVertibird, and the NPC has the snap point keyword, the animation is used if the subgraph data of the race has the animation:




If you want that the vertibird support your npc you need to setup some kind of furniture animation for it.


If you want that a custom race can mount in the vertibird, you need to add an AnimFurn* keyword (target keyword) to the vertibird, and the actor keyword needed to the NPC, if any.


I hope this helps.

Edited by DieFeM
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Thank you for the neat post.


I've done all this, except for I can't create new entries in the list on the Subgraph Data tab in CK. When I click OK on the dialog to add an entry, it vanishes into thin air and no entry is added - So I had to use Export/Import. The results are disheartening. When the custom race is enabled to board the Vertibird, then player can no longer board the bird as the boarding animation never plays. It doesn't matter if I have my additive subgraph loaded or not.


I shall give up for now but keep this around for future reference.

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