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Wearable weapons?


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Right now there are five available 'holster' locations: Right Hip (1handfirearms - pistols, sawed-off shotgun, SMGs), Left Hip, (1handmelee - knives, batons, swords), Back:Low (2handmelee - bats, pool cues, hammers), Back:High (2handfirearms - various rifles, assault rifles, combat shotgun), and permanently on the hand (unarmed - Powerfist, knuckles, deathclaw glove).


So, if you take all into consideration, you COULD have a nasty array of weaponry displayed about you... Perhaps if you chose a preference via an interface as to whether you want 2handmelee or 2handfirearms weapons displayed (or if you don't mind the clipping issue, decide to show both).


The only exceptions would have to be that the 'backpack' weapons (Flamers, Miniguns, Shishkebab) completely overwrite the 2handmelee and 2handfirearm weapons, and only the Powerfist could be 'perma-worn' of the unarmed style weapons (knuckles and deathclaw wouldn't allow the gripping of another weapon).


As this would mean some serious recoding of hotkeys, then FOSE is the only method I can see having this made well. (I'm sure a quick-and-dirty version could be cooked up that ONLY displayed those weapons assigned to hotkeys 1-4, but with a very big, bold, and blinky warning that if you hotkey multiple items that holster the same way, then it'll be VERY ugly. Heheheh.)


If someone could cook this up, I might take a look at it for my own use... But only if there were a way to ensure different characters could choose to have it active, or not. (perhaps via a perk that is console-activated?)

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A possible way to implement this --


Set a weapon as your primary weapon -- equip it. Then all other weapons in your inventory are converted into armour. Then when you want to use a differennt weapon, change your primary.


Or another way --


A script that ignores if there is a weapon already equipped (unless same type), so the model stays on the body.

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Honestly this makes more sense then the way it is now, with the way the game is now, where do the weapons, and other items for that matter, that you carry go? do you stick em up your...ahem...you should be able to sling a gun or two over your shoulder, a side arm and even a sheathed sword on the opposite side, would be alot better, i hate having to go int othe inventory to switch weapons, its just a huge pain the ...there really should have been multiple weapons slots from the get-go
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i personally would love to see a setup of two rifles and a sidearm, not so much as having a limit on what weapon you can carry, but it irritates me that if i got a sniper equipped and the enemy close the distance that little bit too quick for comfort, i have to bring up the pip boy and change to a more appropriate weapon to deal with the close encounter. Would be cool to just have a toggle key to change to a sidearm or sommink.


I also just like the look of a backup piece, slung idley by my the side.

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duncanlambert, it is possible to quick-switch weapons and armor ingame using numeric hotkeys. Just hold the numeric key and select a gun, then hold next key and select gun/armor you need. You'll see that a dial fills up with things you clicked. Then, ingame, you just press the corresponding numeric key for the weapon and it will change to it, without having to go to PIP-boy routine.

It's not a mod, you don't have to download anything, it's already ingame, just not obvious...

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I think it was like that in the Gears of War Games, all the weapons are visible at the same time :P


I agree with you mate it would be cool and more realistic if they were all visible :D


Can someone link me to the Mod that does this for Oblivion?

Cause it was mentioned earlier here.

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