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Red Glowing Eyes - Need a Creature or Spell ID, Please


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So, this has happened to me before with Dragur eyes, and also n this new character, I got steam coming from my ears and the top of my head and sparks coming from my waist. I've also gotten blue, glowing eyes. What this is, basically, is the NPC somehow giving you its special spell ID effect via its special attack. Steam Breath or Shout, respectivly. What you do is find the creatures Spell Id, add it, exit console, remove it, exit console and its fixed. For example, dragur are player.addspell f71d1, then player.remove spell f71d1. No more glowing eyes. However, now I have RED glowing eyes because why not, right? I've norrowed it down to either my summoned Flame Atranoch or a Blood Dragon. However, I can't find the Blood Dragon's Spell ID to check. Using help dragon 0 gives me such a long list, it cuts off in the middle of displaying armor, and help 'blood dragon' 0 was not helpful, either.


Tl;DR: Does anyone have the spell ID similar to Dragur's f71d1 or a list of these spell ids available? Pretty please? Its bugging the crap out of me.

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