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Enchanting - Making / Breaking Skyrim

Miles Tails Prower

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Ah yes.. Enchanting. Say what you want about Smithing and making weapons of varying degrees of power. Complain about Racials and their 50% reduction in magic damage. Complain about alchemy exploits..


But the real eyelash in the eye is Enchanting. Some of the most powerful enchants are Fortify enchants. A person without any perks in One-handed could deal almost 600 damage with attacks using nothing but enchanting.


But that's not all.. Because of an Engine bug, enchanting weapons with multiple elmental attacks that have keywords such as Fire, etc cause those attacks to get double bonuses. For instance, a sword enchanted with Fire damage and Frost damage, would have bonuses applied twice, thus almost granting you 4x the amount of fire/frost damage you're supposed to have.


Enchanting is a mess, and it only gets worse when you enchant your weapons with varying types of pure damage burst... It is quite easy to one shot almost every creature in the game except Dragons, or enemies resiliant to elemental attacks, or even immune


This is because almost no enemy in Skyrim has any real magical resistance execpt Bretons, and those are almost completely unarmored.


Just to try and challenge myself, I played the game using only fortify one-handed enchants and fortify health enchants. I did not use enchanted weapons. I faced the Ebony warrior and managed to kill him after dying 3 times. The third time, I realized he was rather easy if I kept my back to the wall so I wasn't spending a lot of time being ragdoll'd by his Unrelenting force.


I found an interesting mod called Dynamic Difficulty. I already play the game on Master Difficulty, so I cranked up all the settings and went to town. My character was doing 0.25% normal damage and I was taking 4.8% damage from all enemies, and yet I still could not be challenged.


And most of that is because how hax enchanting is. Getitng max magic resistance is so easy, even without enchants.. And armor reducing 80% of damage doesn't really help either.


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