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Only regular dragons spawning?


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I have no idea what could be causing this besides Deadly Dragons, but here's the scoop. Level 53 now and I'm still seeing nothing but regular Dragons spawning. Not once have I seen anything over the regular. Deadly Dragons only goes so far in buffing them, and some variety would be nice again.


Any idea what this may be? Any of you guys had this happen to you?

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mod called Dragons Diversified can give you dragon thrills. I would advised not to use them till you finish the main quest line . I am assuing you already have being level 53 and all. This mod also is know to cause you not to be able to absorb souls for some people. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13930


there are other mods that add more dragons but not sure where to find em or what their names are. a search for dragon in mods section probably would be worthwhile.

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