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Fallout 3: Resident Evil mod


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I can always help write used to do it for the Army ... if want to use the idea hook it into the FEV that VTec stole (industrial espionage) from umbrella. Both tried to perfect, but with shall we say weird results. That builds the case for an underground war in progress before the war between the 2 companies and potentially still in progress today. Everyone knows (humor now) that corporations were the real cause of the war and it just had a minor market correction in 77.


This posits the survival of 2 or more corporations that are still trying to eliminate the other (helps explain why they haven't tried to rebuild outside of hidden locations/strongpoints). Gives the base for what may be a major goal of this mod ... a supposedly perfected FEV, rumored to have been done by some mad genius outside the corporate umbrella.


Also look at a mod done here that turns NPCs into ghouls ... think it was in Megaton, this might be something can use in the mod your developing. A weapon, the outbreaks of new occurances of this etc.

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Well now, we've got some great ideas going, and the overrun base is shaping up great - but what we really, really, REALLY need is a scripter.


Any RE fans out there want to volunteer for the chance to bring Umbrella to the Wasteland?

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Spending one day holiday finally can modify a nif file by blender and use it in mod without (well I hope without) problem, I am now hacking the in game combat armor helmet to make a AC200 combat helmet, that I think Hunk is using (my favorite H~U~N~K~, I am coming~~~~)


P.S: James Milamber, didn't "War never changes" from MGS4? how about making MGS modding too :rolleyes: ?

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Dear all


Spending two days finally made a helmet simular to modern military helmet AC200




Seem like the one used by Umbrella Special Force.


I still not upload the mod yet, but will upload if you wish :)

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  • 2 months later...

I'm working on a Zombie Plague mod with Infectious Zombies, when I get the infection script to a point I'm happy with I'll be more than happy to lend it to you guys (I'm not too well versed on RE Lore, but i'm pretty sure the T-Virus could be transmitted by fluids right?) and help tweak it to your needs. (It's still quite a way off, but its *almost* capable of turning an NPC into a zombie if they get killed by one)


Also, because I believe all RE games etc should contain Leon Kennedy, how about some mutated/diluted strain of the virus making him semi immortal (similar to the FEV in Fallout preventing the super mutants from dying of old age) ;P

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Just a quick update, I got the Zombification process working last night, (ie: If something is killed by a zombie it gets back up as a zombie)

Theres just a few more things I need to add, like switching of factions when things gets zombiefied, limiting the weapons to unarmed and a couple of others (currently im just using an embedded Death Claw model on the zombies, since im using NPC Ghouls as the base, rather than Ferals, to add a bit of variation in the appearance of each zombie)


The Las Plagas was the stupid alien bug thing in RE:4 yeah? T-Virus definitely better than that.

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yes sir las plagas was so dumb. more of a parasite than zombies :( i was so dissapointed when i fired up RE5. anyway this sounds like its pretty sweet. i was working on something like this but kinda just drifted outta it...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody.

I'm doing a RE mod myself. And I wanna ask: is it possible in FO3 to make a switcher to turn the light on/off, and to make a NPC acting like protectron in protectron pod (you activate him -> he starts moving and etc.)?

Also i wanted to make a syringe with G(or T)-Virus that, after using, make your vision diffirent. I got a http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3007 that, while eqipped, may make your vision red, I added that effect to virus, but it have usual vision. Is it possible to make it work?

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