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Fallout 3: Resident Evil mod


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Here's a reasonable plot for the mod:


In the year 2038, 30 years after the Uroboros incident and the apparent death of Albert Wesker, the Umbrella Corporation was restarted by the descendents of Marcus, Spencer, Birkin, and other former Umbrella researchers. Umbrella soon rose again as the world's leading pharmaceutical company. Working with government officials, Umbrella helped establish a community to replace Raccoon City. With unlimited funding and the creation of their new AI computer system, Albert, Umbrella was able to establish New Raccoon City in 2068. 9 years later, the Apocolypse hit. New Raccoon City recieved less damage than most other cities, but it still lay in ruin. Fortunately, before the bombs fell, the heads of Umbrella were able to evacuate their equipment and employees to a special vault created for them, Vault 138. It is here that Umbrella continued its research, and its genetic experiments. The player is asked by an official of Umbrella to come to Vault 138 and assist Umbrella in its experiments. It is during the player's visit to Vault 138 that the T-Virus escapes once again and the entire vault is massacred. When the player escapes the vault, he finds that the virus has escaped into the city and the people are being turned into zombies and other sinister products of Umbrella's secret experiments involving the T-Virus, G-Virus, Los Plagas, and Uroboros. The player will also discover the secret agenda of his AI companion and his worst enemy, Albert, who is being powered by the salvaged brain of Albert Wesker and is secretly creating a new body for himself through human cloning. Familiar experiments could make an appearence, like Tyrant and Nemesis, and you could also put in some new experiments.

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i def think it should be made as umbrellas secrets have yet been uncovered by the "public". So if anything were to happen, the wastelanders would not know of anything umbrella did or is doing. I think it should be made that its unknown that umbrella actually made it through the original bomb drops. The player should stumble upon umbrella and be the first non umbrella person to see their existence in the wasteland. It would be cool if umbrellas headquarters or whatever they have, is basically untouched by the nuclear fallout. Like their headquarters is very advanced and so on and still running top notch. Just my ideas.
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I really dig the idea and the only gripe I have is that vanilla stuff is to...low tech. I mean you'r a multi-billion dollor industry and you use that poo? no-no-no-no-no. You go to your R&D guys and say "Hey this poo sucks...make me some new poo!" I think that the tactical vest's would fit the spec ops people perfectly. And no one would send anyone out into the waste's with a shirt,pants,shoes and a hat and expect them to do anything worth doing except dying.


Granted they could just be cheap bastards but I'd really love to see you use that army or two ballistics mask and the tac vest's in a killer combo. You could do a couple of umbrella themed ones and vest's. The vault security vest's look pretty stupid. Not that your logo work is lacking it's just the whole design of it all is very....well with their timeline 450 years ago. That's somthing I would expect out of the fifties or the thirtes.


I agree that the overall look for some of the elite guys that are'nt in powered armor should follow hunk's layout. Or as close as you can get.


And to do a mod like this in all the glory it deserves I think that you should use all that the community will let you.


Ask away! the worst thing they can do is say NO!


Maybe you could do a re-textured version of the winterized power armor. I really love the idea of the uv/bio bullets that glow! if you can PLEASE do a revolver!


You also might want to look into compatiblity issues with weapon mod kits and mmm.

Cause I assume that most people use them. If not I guess it's a non-issue but it'd be betta to avoid as many CTD'S and fragged up saves as we can!


I say mmm because the ghoul raise thing is fragging sick! You clear a room and suddenly you hear what seems to be only one or two behind you and you whip around and what do you see? about twelve going "damn he looks tasty!"


so I really hope to see this one soon and it's a great idea! but you should be worried about the exuction of it all as a whole and not just one piece!



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As far as the weapons issue (being the 90's to the future), you could have the player enter a simulator or time machine type thing..sort of like project anchorage...to have it make sense? Maybe toy with something like that?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hope you guys have fun making this mod! Being an avid Resident Evil Fan, and an Amateur writer, i am willing to provide ideas on quest or back story. However i am also a voice actor, and if the need should arise (if ever XD) i am again willing to help out!

good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

I think its a great idea, Ive just been replaying RE code veronica x on my ps2 (what terrible controls LOL)


Who cares about the era? Its a resident evil mod, so obviously it would look stupid if it had futuristic weapons. I thought R.E was set only in the NEAR future (like a decade or summet). So it would look normal to be running around with glocks, HK's, MP5's and M16's.


It would be cool to see a whole new custom enviroment for the mod, not just the wasteland.


Cant wait bro, good luck with the project!


Edit: To EZB's comment: Thats the ONE thing so many mods are missing! Voice actors!! Get in there my son! This could be big

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I think I had seen a S.T.A.R.S Beretta handgun mod. Also what about having Carlos outfit from RE3? also the raven rock area look like it contains some items that you could use like the giant ZAX console and the DlC Point look out Lab with the Brain container thing.
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