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I have problem with lydia black face


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I have problem with lydia black face. I installed few mods and then I installed bijin Warmaidens and everything was fine. Later I installed few more mods which made lydia have black face. I think it happened after installing amidianborn content mod


Now lydia looks like this https://prnt.sc/uyn4gx if I set her weight to 100 through console which makes her look okay but the thing is the face comes back to black after going to different location and it is not bijin warmaidens face.


This is my list of mods


Screenshot 1 https://prnt.sc/uyn5ee

Screenshot 2 https://prnt.sc/uyn5mz

Screenshot 3 https://prnt.sc/uyn5rg

Screenshot 4 https://prnt.sc/uyn5vk

Screenshot 5 https://prnt.sc/uyn601


What I tried is to reinstall warmaidens or other mods or reinstalling patches again.


Any advice what should I do ? Is it because I did it already mid gameplay? I am not that far I can start over but that would suck


Thank you in advance.

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Place "Bijin warmaidens" in your load order AFTER anything else that makes changes to Lydia.


If you're not sure what mods affect her, load all your mods in SSEEdit. Then go to Skyrim.esm. Under "NPC - non player actors" (or something like that, don't remember what the category is called exactly), search for Lydia. SSEEdit will show you all mods that make changes to her. Remember or write down these mods. Now make sure "Bijin warmaidens" gets loaded after all the other mods changing Lydia.


Often, this will already do the trick. If it doesn't and you still get the black face, create a bashed patch with "Wrye Bash". Before creating the bashed patch, check "actors". It's disabled by default. The bashed patch should finally solve the issue.

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Place "Bijin warmaidens" in your load order AFTER anything else that makes changes to Lydia.


If you're not sure what mods affect her, load all your mods in SSEEdit. Then go to Skyrim.esm. Under "NPC - non player actors" (or something like that, don't remember what the category is called exactly), search for Lydia. SSEEdit will show you all mods that make changes to her. Remember or write down these mods. Now make sure "Bijin warmaidens" gets loaded after all the other mods changing Lydia.


Often, this will already do the trick. If it doesn't and you still get the black face, create a bashed patch with "Wrye Bash". Before creating the bashed patch, check "actors". It's disabled by default. The bashed patch should finally solve the issue.



Thank you for yours response. I did check what mods affect her and as seen on this screenshot https://prnt.sc/uz2gds .All mods affecting her are Dialogue or behaviour mods and the Bijin warmaidens is the only mod changing her appearance. If I load her looks changing mod after all of these would it make some of them not work ? And does it make sense that dialogue or behaviour mods can mess up appearance mod ?

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Thank you for yours response. I did check what mods affect her and as seen on this screenshot https://prnt.sc/uz2gds .All mods affecting her are Dialogue or behaviour mods and the Bijin warmaidens is the only mod changing her appearance. If I load her looks changing mod after all of these would it make some of them not work ? And does it make sense that dialogue or behaviour mods can mess up appearance mod ?


In general, the last mod in a load order "wins". It makes sense that a dialogue mod can change the appearance of NPCs - if that dialogue mod also contains the Vanilla settings regarding that NPC's appearance. Since the screenshot only covers a part of the entries, I can't say for sure if something like that's happening. It is definitely possible though.


I understand that you don't want to risk undoing changes to dialogue options and the like. Therefore I'd recommend a "bashed patch". It will basically incorporate all non-conflicting records. In case of conflicting entries, the mod that's last in your load order will overwrite changes made by other mods. Since the "Bijin" series basically only changes appearance, this method should be safe.


I use several different and partly conflicting NPC replacers myself. Adjusting your load order (in my case I'd always put Bijin after any other mods changing visuals because I like the "Bijin" look) and then creating a "bashed patch" always worked for me.

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Thank you for yours response. I did check what mods affect her and as seen on this screenshot https://prnt.sc/uz2gds .All mods affecting her are Dialogue or behaviour mods and the Bijin warmaidens is the only mod changing her appearance. If I load her looks changing mod after all of these would it make some of them not work ? And does it make sense that dialogue or behaviour mods can mess up appearance mod ?


In general, the last mod in a load order "wins". It makes sense that a dialogue mod can change the appearance of NPCs - if that dialogue mod also contains the Vanilla settings regarding that NPC's appearance. Since the screenshot only covers a part of the entries, I can't say for sure if something like that's happening. It is definitely possible though.


I understand that you don't want to risk undoing changes to dialogue options and the like. Therefore I'd recommend a "bashed patch". It will basically incorporate all non-conflicting records. In case of conflicting entries, the mod that's last in your load order will overwrite changes made by other mods. Since the "Bijin" series basically only changes appearance, this method should be safe.


I use several different and partly conflicting NPC replacers myself. Adjusting your load order (in my case I'd always put Bijin after any other mods changing visuals because I like the "Bijin" look) and then creating a "bashed patch" always worked for me.


Changing the order of the mod loading helped. Thank you :D

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