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Large worldspace, mountains don't appear until "close"


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So I've got a world space the size of Skuldafn -- big. The trouble is that mountains don't appear until I'm halfway into the world space. Meaning that from 1 side I can't see the mountains on the other side. It's pretty ugly because the landscaped "hills" beneath the mountains can be seen long before the mountains appear. What's worse is that large mountain "rock chunk" (the proper term slips my mind) DO appear, making for floating pieces that are visible before the mountains.


What can I do about this?

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Thanks much for this. I was afraid it was LOD related.

I recall seeing this video a few months ago and remember it looking way too advanced at the time. It seems much more understandable now. (Many more hours logged in CK I guess)

Edited by Ahondara
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