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Strength of Followers


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So I've noticed something after quite a few playthroughs of Skyrim. Normally I don't bother using followers, because they get in the way, die a lot, and get stuck so I spend forever waiting or shouting them out of tight spots. Conjured creatures are largely the same - at low levels they're great, but I assume because they don't scale they get very weak at level 20+.


After playing on Master lately, I've noticed that followers and conjures both are damn near invincible. They either have so much defense or health that they can just sit there tanking a drouger deathlord, where as I would get killed in two hits. Does anyone know why this happens? Is there some sort of weird scaling based on difficulty or something? Even on Expert they still die a ton unless you deck them out in the best gear available.

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Not at all sure. May be related to a mod you are using. Depending on the followers you are using, they may be set to level with you or not.

BTW if you are not using it, Ultimate Follower Overhaul makes followers more configurable and also more useful, IMO.



Beat me to it.


Yeah, vanilla followers and summoned dremora are pretty bunk, especially later in the game. Unless you seriously invest perks into the Conjuration tree, for the latter. To explain more about UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul), it removes level caps for all follower NPCs. (In vanilla, most followers stop leveling up past 30.) It also lets you designate certain followers as protected, meaning that your combat partner doesn't meet a sudden and horrible end, unless you bring it about. And, lastly, if you like having magic users as followers, you can give them spell tomes, to teach them additional spells. All very useful additions, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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There used to be a bug that prevented followers from leveling properly. You and your enemies would all be level 50 and poor Lydia would still be the level 8 noob you met after killing that first dragon. They finally fixed it at some point, so you may just be noticing the followers at their intended strength. The housecarls in particular are actually pretty fearsome at high levels. Even I have trouble with them if I'm screwing around and make one hostile.

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