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Black smiths dont sell


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Hi. First of all this is my first post on the forums. Sorry if this isnt the correct section for this. Ive started making my own mods about a month ago, ive been working on a custom home with vendors and trainers, its pretty much done at this point. I decided to start a new game to make sure it didnt conflict with anything else. It was going good untill i noticed non on the black smiths have the vendor option. I removed my mod and they had the option again. When i added my mod back i noticed that the black smiths in my custom home are the only ones that have the vendor option.

Ive been looking for the problem and i cant seem to find/fix it. Was wonderig if anyone could tell me where to look.


Edit: one of them is adrianne avenicci, she still has the correct factions and everything, but she still doesnt have the vendor option when i talk to her.

Edited by munozvo5
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