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Balanced Idea for Mercenary Respawning


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Personally, I have a fear of my mercenaries dying, but also hate the essential marker and having my companion hop up and join me 10 seconds after he is dead. So I propose either the Do it Yourself Android Creator (made in China) or the Cloning Made Easy Kit (some assembly required).


It would be a large static machine that could be discovered and instantly owned, or bought in some way.


When you activate it, it revives your mercenaries ready to fight again. You would have course lose what they had equipped, or have to lug it yourself, but it would introduce a punishment less severe than death for letting them die.


Preferably this would work without the need to loot the corpse and retrieve a certain item (strand of hair maybe) but it seems to me, with my limited knowledge of GECK, that it would be easier.


Possible addons for this would be:


1) You would have to earn a certain amount of xp before they could be revived. This way, you have to live without your friend for a bit, and can't skip it by waiting like you could if it took a certain amount of in game time.


2) A "tagging" tool that let you revive any person in the gameworld (would work great with mercenary mods)


3) An arena type area where, using the DiYAC / CMEK you can spawn things and watch them fight to the death, or join in the fun without xp gains, for obvious balance reasons.


Feel free to post your opinions or ideas about it, and if someone does decide to make this it would be nice to mention my name.

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