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Alchemy modding help needed


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I want to make the items created by the alchemy lab to be classified as 'ingredients' and not as potions. Is this possible? What script controls the alchemy protocols? It's not in the CK, right?


My aim is to reuse those manufactured ingredients with other ingredients to develop more complex combinations. Ingredients, including the complex ingredients, would then be combined with food or drink at a cooking pot to make true potions and magic cakes and such. Not only will this prevent an abuse of potion drinking when combined with the Realistic Needs & Diseases mod, but also allow me to pursue a system of spell discovery by making magic inks to craft spell tombs. I have everything worked out; just need this one detail to put it all together (else the spell discovery mod will be a lot less spectacular).




.... edit ....


Now that I think about it even this wont work. I need an alchemy lab to produce items I place in the CK (as you would do with a recipe for smithing, or enchanting). Right now, the potions created by the alchemy lab cannot be selected in the 'Required Item List' for recipes. This is causing me grief. I need the player to be able to craft potions that I have placed in the CK, but I wamt them to experiment with the ingredients to discover them. I like how the alchemy lab has an unknown factor to it, unlike the other crafting stations.

Edited by vmsfallout
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