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Possible Armour/Body Mod Conflict?


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So, I use the UNP body, and something very, VERY interesting is occurring with my female-specific armours. I'll get some screenshots, as I didn't think about the issue until I started reading through other people's problems, but for now I'll describe it.


The two particular armours I'm having trouble with are the LustDesign Daedric Armour Replacer by Lustrianna, and the Schwertleite [sp?] Armour set. Basically...my character's boobs are poking up above the designated cover area, like a pushup bra gone wrong.


Is it just a conflict between the armour mods and my choice in bodies? If so, can someone direct me to the nude version of CBBE? I could only find the underwear version, which IMO isn't as realistic.

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I have no idea which armour you are referring to, but if those armour were made for CBBE, and you are using UNP, obviously they won't work properly. If they come with UNP versions, you should obviously use those. If the UNP versions produce 'clipping' issues, or if there are no UNP conversions, then you would need to take it up with the mod author.

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