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[REQ] MAGE-esque 'Excaliber' Bat


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I don't have many instances where I want a non-Lore or anti-canon item included in the game... in fact, the closest thing I have installed now is 'EnclaveCommander05' (with a 'NoFastTravel' mod and no usage until actively working with the Brotherhood, and models turned to BoS Armor).


But, flipping through page after page of Lightsabers, Wolverine claw, and other completely "out there" requests, when I came upon the 'Golden Bat' addition and I suddenly had an image of Kevin Matchstick, glowing bat in-hand, wading through wave after wave of baddies... and went "ooooh".


Request: Excaliber (ie: Glowing Bat)


Model: Bat

Texture: Pure White w/ serious glow

Stats: 30dam; Knockdown on critical hit (a la the Victory Rifle); Very low chance to disintegrate (Alien Blaster version) on critical kill (1 in 20+); High durability [/indent]

Location: Laying on a dumpster in DC (sticking out of it would be better... as a nod to the original comic)


A second, lesser version could be made as well... With a green glow texture, and be only slightly more powerful than a normal bat (but critical kill would result in a Plasma-type disintegration).


Anyone up to the very modest challenge?



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Well there is an unused weapon called Excalibat (I think there may be a mod that adds it into the game), nothing special about it though, just does a little extra damage, a moddler could add a glowmap to it I suppose (dont ask me though, I have no clue how to work nifscope :P)


With my limited modding skills I could alter the Excalibat to do the damage you suggest, increase its health (duribility) and add either the knockdown effect OR the disintigrate on death, but not both. I could even add it into the gameworld someware, but as I said above I cannot alter it's texture.

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