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Trouble summoning a size scaled creature (mini dragons)


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Recently I've been playing around in the the CK, creating new summon spells, like Conjure; Arngeir/Vampire Lord/Werewolf/Frost Giant/Dragonborn etc etc. Crazy things. I overcome the hurdles presented by some of these creatures, like the Frost Giant who needed to be assigned to a new race which was "medium" size not "Extra Large" so I could actually summon him. Which I'm thinking I'll have to do for the mini Dragons, my next spell.


What I'm trying to achieve:


Create a new spell which summons 4 dragons. (twin souls has been changed)

Each dragon is a scaled minature.

Ideally using the CK summon feature.


My problem is (apart from being rusty as hell);


1) I can't scale a base actor, it needs to be a reference. This can be done in the actor>traits tab, under "height".

2) I can't summon a reference using the CK summon feature, It needs to be a base actor with the "summonable" check box ticked.

3) I'm not proficient enough in papyrus to create a script that obtains the ref and scales the creatures. (the script manager is quite different from Oblivions)


Sooo, I was wondering if you guys could help me out by showing me a workaround for 1 and 2 or help me with 3 :smile:



Edited by KingGsterUK
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Duplicate the dragon race and scale it down (Body Data tab->Male Data-> Height). Then duplicate a dragon Actor and change it to use the new race (Traits tab-> Race droplist). Summon your new mini dragon.

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Cheers steve.


I managed to create the spell which summoned multiple miniature dragons, obviously the speed at which they moved was scaled down drastically with there size. What surprised me was when I gave them equally increased speed under the actor>stats tab, which I gradually increased from 100 but ended up settling on 2000, I noticed only some of the miniature dragons responded to the speed stat changes. Whether coincidence or not it was the unnamed ones (elder/ancient/ice lake).


Going back in the CK, I made all the mini dragons use the same combat style (csDragon), summoned them again and Alduin was moving a little faster, Paarthurnax and Durnerviir were still at a snails pace. Right now I'm completely baffled. By using the in-game console, they respond perfectly to the command: forceav speedmult 2000


I think my next plan is to use the same unnamed one, for all, just changing the skins and shouts, see if that works. My last port of call is to dive into scripting tutorials and learn how to get things done. I'm having trouble just creating and saving the simplest of scripts, with just a scriptname, it won't save.

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