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My nmm won't start it keeps bringing up error screen


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:blink: I don't see where he posted anything about not being the Administrator of his computer.



dusty here are some tips:

1: Give us the readout of the error message

2. It is also helpful to post in the Nexus Mod Manager Forum after reviewing the Troubleshooting Guide most of the problems can be resolved using that guide.


If you have any further question feel free to post a response and someone or me will get back to you.

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Even if you are the administrator, you are not always the administrator. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif


Being the administrator of the computer is still not the same as running a program as administrator. Thanks to Microsoft for this bit of insanity. Even if you are the computer administrator - you STILL have to select run as administrator from a drop down menu for EACH program you want to 'run as administrator'. :yes: And you have to already be logged in as the computer administrator to even get that choice. :rolleyes:


Here is how. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4912979/1/


This only has to be done once for each program, and must be in effect before you can do a lot of otherwise simple things with some programs.

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