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NPCs/followers not equipping weapons, freezing in battle pose


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Since a while i have this problem that any follower i use does equip a weapon in battle, but will not holster it after even i do holster mine.

Later in next battle the follower takes on a battle pose, but without weapons and will not fight, just run around and will stay in this pose until i go to a different cell behind a loading screen.

This happens everytime i hire a follower/followers (tried both with and with clean uninstalled UFO)

I even tried a new game without UFO, convenient horses, lively followers and any other mods that could affect poses in game like animation and pose mods, but still this problem stays.

It all started after i bought the new DLC Dragonborn and updated all mods i use to have active that changed since september 2012.

So i have absolutely no idea why is this happening :mellow:


Anyone has the same problem? does anyone please know how to fix this?


I would really love to play Skyrim again after all this time, but this bug even affects the enemies sometimes so its unplayable :confused:

Edited by BravoOskar
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